All eye can hear is…
Phila phaddle…
Sweetening boy…
It’s all joy
Eye felt like eye wrote this before,
So eye am hear after,
Visiting ur burial
Even though ur not,
Eye still see you when you visit me,
Eye know Kai-EL
Can see you above me,
At different times of the dey,
Knowing what eye know
Eye can’t expect them to relate,
Eye am on a different journey
Eye saw the mothership above me,
When Patricia Wrazz visited me,
Eye am in tuned, but still tuning in,
For, what’s for me, this is my story,
All facts no fiction,
We’re going lose people everyday,
It’s all about if you choose the
Light and received what you’ve
Been gifted, it’s not for everybody,
So eye see things different because that’s
The universe mission,
Eye am 1 of the ways that’s being paved
For our ancestors to uplift us.
Written By Kingbty EL

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