The western world created the alien concept and made it up, but who did they steal their idea from ? We are the aliens, that the westerners put in the movie scripts.
Head elongation is %100 Moorish culture. Ever notice all these so called “aliens” all have A moorish head elongation in common? Look at all the characters on the right, they all have heads modeled after the moor who had his head elongated.
In the movie “Alien” who was the bad guy?
The alien concept of flying from another planet on a spaceship where did that come from? Nazis from Germany were already using flying saucers in the 1940’s. They took the German aircraft idea, and added the african culture that was a mystery to them, and stamped it as alien from out of space. This is a billion dollar industry created from propaganda, just like the dinosaurs myth, once everyone believes it, they can make money off it.

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