Blackness is the known universe. Over 95% of the known universe is either Black matter of Dark energy. The first human beings originated on the equator and were all Black. And yet blackness is treated with such disdain when it comes to the populations who have historically leeched off Black folk enslaving and debasing and destroying them for 1000’s of years. Teach our children the fundamentals of science…
Black begins the universe and everything in it. Blackness is the source of life and living…
Matter and antimatter are first black dark matter, dark black energy, black holes, flowing down a majestic cosmic ladder from universes to superclusters, galaxy clusters, galaxies, star clusters, quasars, pulsars, stars, solar systems, planets, including Earth and other celestial bodies; to molecular complexes, crystals, molecules, atoms, elementary nuclear particles, photons, force fields, quantum levels, to the sub-quantum with spirit equaling pure energy transmitted through inorganic than organic life forms…
It is written that this part of the cosmos, which we know, this universe, galaxy, solar system, and the planet, is 21 billion years in the making. Twenty-one billion years from inorganic to organic to single cells to multiple cells to the tissue to organisms to invertebrates to vertebrates to reptiles to amphibians to mammals to primates to hominids to homo sapien sapiens to modern humans to human societies—communalism, hydraulic communalism, planned hydraulic monarchies, slavery, feudalism, capitalism, socialism; 21 billion years of this majestic forward flow of history, unfolding in Africa with the earliest civilizations emerging along the Nile.

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