Pink Calcite – helps assist in wholeness and wellbeing, assists opening the heart chakra, stone of empathy and connection to others, great for bringing peace and comfort, great stone for healing parent/child relationship.
Pink Halite – assists in manifesting self love, unites the heart chakra and solar plexus to take actionable steps aligned with self love, helps find clarity and truth in hard to read situations.
Pink Opal – clears and calms the heart, brings peace and tranquility, great for children who have trouble sleeping or nightmares, discharges negative trauma, helps with excessive fear and anxiety, soothes the heart and supports lungs and oxygen flow.
Rhodonite – promotes the energy of love, helps see one’s inner gifts, also helps with seeing others gifts, attracts others into your life working as a catalyst for fulfilling one’s purpose, helps recognize dreams and visions.
Rhodochrosite – recovers lost memory and forgotten gifts, promotes compassion and self love, helps one recover and release emotional wounds, assists the heart chakra and solar plexus, can repair areas of disharmony in the mind and body.
Rose Quartz – quintessential stone of love, love for oneself and for life’s partners – from children, family, friends, community to Earth, the Universe and the Divine, great meditation stone, activates the heart chakra, dissolved one’s boundaries, brings a strong sense of unity, reawakens trust in relationships.

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