Amethyst – a stone of spiritual protection & purification, aids in overindulgence and unhealthy habits, stimulates the crown chakra and aids meditation in moving into a higher consciousness, creates a loving “energetic field” removing blocks and warding off negativity in one’s environment, strengthens are connection to the spiritual realm.
Azurite – stone of insight and vision, helps open and clear the third eye & crown chakra, stimulates psychic ability, aligns to inner vision & purpose, helps dissolve false thoughts from the ego perspective.
Purple Chalcedony – powerful stone for purifying and cleansing the auric field, helps attract spiritual soul mates, assists in helping us raise our vibration, psychic stimulator and protector that can help us recall visions in dreams, excellent soothing crystal.
Fluorite – a “psychic vacuum cleaner” that can clear our atmosphere of confusion, cluttered thoughts and negative patterns, balances the energy of our third eye to see clearly, assists in helping us make clear choices that align with our deeper self, enhances intellectual ability.
Iolite – a stone that helps us visualize our creative gifts & talents, a stone of “muses” activating our creative side of the mind, promotes individuality and self expression, helps calm an active mind, enhance enlightened discernment and taking loving action based in wisdom.
Lepidolite – calms frayed nerves, releases stress and worry, it can heal the hardest of personal hardships, strong ally in bringing calm to stormy emotional seas, preserves one’s integrity and well-being, a deeply relaxing stone helps with severe and intense traumas.
Purple Oral – deepens your sense of self and intuition, assists in tapping into your highest self, clears out negative energy and flushes the mind by creating a deep sense of peace, brings you closer with your deeper self.
Titanium Rainbow Aura Quartz – the “stone of astral journeys” and high energy for removing blockages.

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