Calcite (Orange) – mobilized one’s energies and resources to anything in our life involving creativity, helps alleviate long standing problems and creative blocks, heals sexual trauma, stimulates physical body and creative energy, helps with reclaiming vitality and confidence in self.
Carnelian – brings an influx of life force, sexual and creative energies, builds confidence, courage and compassion, creates a clear path and employs us to action, powerful ally for manifestation work.
Goldstone – great grounding stone, helps with feeling overwhelmed and breaks negative thought patterns, reawakens the sacral chakra and sensuality, protective warrior stone that restores faith and harmony in ourselves.
Jasper – enhances endurance and stamina, increases chi or life force, strengthens messages in dreams, gradually helps with memory, stimulates the base chakra and kundalini energies, balances our sexual energy and healthy self expression, heals shame or guilt around sexuality.
Fire Opal – awakener of passion, creates a strong connection from emotional body to our sexuality, eases inhibitions and allows enjoyment, promotes total artistic creativity, fertility and physical energy.
Tangerine Quartz – activates the second chakra, stimulates creativity and sexuality to provide a great deal of spiritual growth, helps overcome fear of not being “good” enough, assist in creative problem solving with new ideas and fresh perspectives.
Sunstone – brings a lovely light energy, expands our mind to higher consciousness, provides a great boost of self worth and confidence, cleanses all chakras, use outside in sun light during meditation or exercise to feel a wonderful glowing energy that opens the heart.

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