you don’t know me yet, but i would build bridges made out of my best self for you to travel over to your smiles you don’t know me yet, but i would make an ocean out my happiness from you to swim and explore in the hopes of finding your Atlantis you don’t know me yet, but i would make myself into a mountain of all your self doubts, so that you could stand on my shoulders and see your best self clearly, confidently, defiantly you don’t know me yet, but i would turn myself into a field of lilacs so you could smell how fragrant my love would be in your life you don’t know me yet, but i would turn myself into your laughter, and just lay there on your stomach the way good belly laughs do you don’t know me yet, but i would turn myself into your broken heart and heal myself, so you could be free you don’t know me yet, but i would turn myself into the taste of your favorite dessert, so that you would never forget how sweet being loved by me tastes you don’t know me yet, but i would turn myself into you so that we could both see the look on my face the day you walked up to me, and to my surprise said: You feel familiar, do I know you? — Àdísà, Familiar (A Grown Folks Poem)

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