A large percentage of our interactions with one another are superficial. In an effort to survive, we become someone else. We want others to know that we’re different. At our jobs, we’re nice, nonaggressive, and efficient out of fear. In our homes, we’re angry and frustrated.
We’ve been trained that way. The more useful we are to others, even if it means, altering ourselves, the longer we lived. What we don’t realize is that in being superficial, untruthful, or inauthentic—we block healthy energy flow.
Ultimately, we become sick. Healthiness is related to authenticity. Let’s free ourselves of the Du Bois’s “double consciousness” by connecting with our true selves. Once we reconciled our internal conflicts, we will be free.
Unblocking our energy is revolutionary, radical, and the only way to leave the plantation. More importantly, it’s the only way to heal. Embrace the present moment. Know yourself. Be yourself. ~Dr. Robin Alston

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