Genesis 6:2. “The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men, & that they were fair, & they took them as wives of which they chose.” This verse shows a clear separation between “Gods & Man.”
Its pertaining to the original beings that fell into this lower realm & were forced to occupy physical avatars(bodies). Before “The Sons of God” laid eyes on “The Daughters of Man” the female sex was the only gender occupying the Earth. Before the fallen elohims came to this Earth, it was only populated by the female gender! Which means, the original female human was the first sentient being to exist in this physical realm.
It’s called MOTHER Universe, MOTHER Earth! (MA)GNETISM, (MA)TTER, which is the real (MA)TRIX.The small (MA)GNETIC fields called “Light Photons” is what gives the ILLUSION of (MA)TTER. Therefor the real ruler over you lower realms & your matrix is a prime female deity. The Male sex was engineered by the elohim to put an end to Matriarchy on the Earth, & to keep cosmic balance on the Earth. The Female is responsible for carrying the physical fetus in her eggs.
The male is responsible for carrying the (SP)ERM, which gives the fetus an electric (SP)ARK, & activates the (SP)IRIT of the fetus. The Moon also uses its magnetism to manipulate the light photons on this Earth, & the Moon manipulates the minstrual cycles of females on the Earth. The Matrix we live in is dominated by female energy. That’s why we’re experiencing a global attack on heterosexual male masculinity.
✨🇲🇦Happy Solar Return Pop🇲🇦✨

October 4, 2019
Interesting reading. Knowledge is good!