We humans really have 3 “brains.” What do I mean by saying that? We humans have 3 major energy centers that make up our existence in this realm. We have our intestines & stomach which are known as the solar plexus. We have our heart(which is the true brain/median of the soul), then we have the brain in our heads, which is used to control our bodily functions in this realm, & used as a tool to connect with higher realms.The intestines & the brain are both made out of the same grey matter, & they both transport energy through coil-like tube structures.The brain transports electric currents throughout the body, & the intestines do the same. The intestines transport food which is nothing but energy. When we’re about to indulge in a low vibrational activity, we all say “We get that gut feeling.” That gut feeling is our solar plexus sending our brains a message. So right when we have the opportunity to indulge in a low vibrational activity, we have the feeling in our gut, then the signal gets sent to our brain(higher self), then the signal is sent to our hearts, for us to come to a final decision! The heart is always the determining factor for most of our every day decisions. Individuals who mostly make decisions off of their gut instinct are more prone to indulge in low vibrational activities. Individuals who mostly make decisions using their heart, & their higher self are more prone to indulge in high vibrational activities! The brain is supposed to be operating your higher self, your intestines are your “lower brain.” Both are made out of the same grey matter! As Above-So Below!
“Gut-Brain Connection”
April 20, 2019
Bruh this hard body right here
April 23, 2019