Happiness is a choice.
Every piece of information you process can be interpreted in a million ways. If you choose to interpret the information in a way which makes you sad, then it’s simply a choice you have made. Things happening around you do not determine your state, only you do. You have the choice, why not choose happiness instead?
EVERYTHING is neutral until we attach something to it and with that we determine how we experience it. In love and light always.
We can be who we wants to be because everything depends on us, don’t let anybody tells you that you can’t be great or you are born with bad luck,there is nothing like in that in the way if our ancestors as you can change that by working towards changing your bad luck or bad destiny to a good one, you just have to works towards as your destiny is or who you wants to be depends on you and its in your hand, its either you works towards it and never give up and also sick spiritual help or do nothing so that what people says about you can manifest in you, your destiny lies in your hand.
May our ancestors turns our bad destiny to a good one today. Ase!!!

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