Been in a groove
But been out of tune
That’s balance,
My wife told me
I’m tit for tat
I guess I’m childish,
The future is near when
Our lifestyle is really lavish,
Manifesting going shopping
Out in Dubai & Paris,
The finer things in this illusion
while I’m here I gotta have it,
I’m rich!,
Without The Prophet Noble Drew Ali
I probably wouldn’t even
known that even exist,
Nowadays artist say
look at my neck…
Look at my wrist…
Look at my car…
Look at my crib…
Nowadeys eye say Allah
Eye thank u 4 all your gifts,
Especially this commerce
I’ve been doing since,
The prophet said
“Let all old business
stay as it is,
and all new business,
do it in your free national name.”
That’s jew ELs
For us that’s playing this game,
I don’t know what to tell you
But I can tell you this,,,
Whatever you want is on the inside
You just gotta open it,
My life is a remote
That’s why I’m controlling it,
Everyone wants access
But this isn’t B.E.T,
I’m so divine,
I gotta keep high frequency & energy,
Lemon pepper oyster mushrooms,
I’m a trip even without the shrooms
Signing off
Emperor B.T.Y EL
I’ll see you soon✨4~7

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