“Low Vibrations”

In real life, there’s an entity that exists, that behaves just like Pennywise. It keeps humanity in a state of fear, hatred, division, confusion, & self doubt. This demon has lowered humanities vibration to the point that most humans are experiencing “Murphy’s Law”(anything that can possibly go wrong, will go wrong) on the Earth right now.

These demons are also harvesting humans for their minds, bodies, & souls in this physical realm. Everything that was put forth by the Archons & the world government was done so to keep us infatuated with this realm of false light(matter). When most people start to experience “death” they see lights above them, & they hear family members & loved ones, so they believe that they’re transitioning to a heavenly realm when this happens.

It took me 3 months to figure out what Pennywises “dead lights” represent. The “dead lights” are exactly what their name is. DEAD LIGHTS! The lights that the Archons project over us when we transition, so they can fool our souls to occupy another body for a lifetime. Pennywise is the Chief Archon. Yaldabaoth, Saturn, Cronos, Ammit, Enlil, Satan, Father Time, The Grim Reaper, etc. A shape shifting insectoid demon that loves to eat children & harvest the souls of humanity.

When humanity grows the courage to confront & destroy our own inner demons, & chooses to let go of the vibration of fear, so we can unify to destroy a common enemy, anything we create with our minds will manifest itself in the physical realm. And we will be invincible! 

✨Happy Solar Return Gma✨10~12

1 Comment
  • Phi
    October 11, 2019

    Sooo powerful and sooooo true!!! Much love and respect for spreading the good word as always!


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