“Moving Along”

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Inner Work:

Remember that doing ‘inner work’ is never about making yourself “more worthy,” “more awakened,” or “more healed.” Instead, inner work is ultimately about finding radical self-acceptance. It’s about removing the blockages and inner obstacles that obscure the beauty and power of your Inner Light.

The whole purpose of the spiritual awakening journey is to help you return to what you already authentically are at a core level. Be careful of approaching this work, this path, with a doing mindset. Be wary of falling into the eternal self-improvement trap which many people out there propagate and teach. Jump off the self-help treadmill and dare to accept yourself, as you are, with all of your wild and messy parts included.

Don’t let anyone, no matter how seemingly authoritative, tell you who you “should” be. Give them a respectful but firm “F U” and keep moving along.


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