Prayer to Ra
Hail to you Ra, great king of the universe
Hail to you Ra, father and protector of the universe
Hail to you Ra, benefactor and provider of the universe
Mighty and strong one, loved by the gods
Glorious and triumphant one, destroyer of evil and of corruption
Great Ra, holy sun, your eye is above us
Oh joy of the living and the dead, your eye is above us
Adored is your light in the universe
Life-giving one, who is seen in the east ever strong and powerful and who is seen in the west as guide to our dead, and the souls who shall cross
Lord followed and accompanied by many, I pray, and I give my offerings
Joyous is my heart to the sound of your name
Joyous is my heart to the sight of your face
Joyous is my heart to the touch of your light
Hail oh mighty Ra, just and glorious sun

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