“I have the world in a jug,
and the stopper in my hand.
I have the Asiatic,
and I have the European.
I have the silver and
I have the gold.”
Noble Drew Ali said it,
Don’t act like
you wasn’t never told,
Some is going stand &
Some is going fold,
Unity together,
We’ll be a force.
Prophet said,
“The climate is going to change. The cold weather will be in the South, and the warm weather will be in the North.”
Now this the flip…
East is west, north is south,
The reversal of this shit,
Unlearn to relearn,
The program, they programmed us with is fixed,
soon as we flip the switch,
Realize it’s who we’ve been,
And not what we’ve become,
It’ll all make moor sense…
“Money will be burnt in the streets, and we won’t be able to buy much; and when I put my spirit in the streets, you won’t be able to sell your car for 25 cents.”
Prophetic Words Pt. 1
Written by Noble Drew Ali & Prince B.t.y El

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