“One day, every wheel of industry is going to stop, and when they start up again, it will be in the Asiatics favor”
The Prophet words is major, key alert 🚨 key alert, minus Khaled, the hole runs deeper when following the white rabbit 🐇
“One day, bombs are going to fall so that they won’t miss a spot as wide as my shoe. You are going to need a basement to hide in.” “The Moors were once a sea-faring people and fed the world, the time is going to come, when we will go back and feed the world again.” Take heed from the prophet that all this is happening right upon our eyes,
Schwarzenegger knew before his movie, this was where the truth lies, “One day, blood is going to flow in the streets up to a horse’s brow.” “I have mended the broken wires, and have connected them with the higher powers.”
“Sisters wrap your turbans in the colors of the rainbow.” All the hurt & trauma, brothers & sistars you got let it go, don’t feed into negative energy, bugs bunny these people & tell em that’s all folks, eye tell my people as long as they don’t touch you, it’s no need to let your hands go, We all got work to do, what part are you playing in your circle?… 7 you better read it, know everything is within, so that’s makes my mission completed.
Prophetic Words Pt.2
Written By Noble Drew Ali & Prince B.t.y El
✌🏽✋🏽🇲🇦Happy Holy Dey🇲🇦✌🏽✋🏽

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