In 1405 eye was born
Now it’s 1438,
Nu year
Nu age
Paperwork soon,
Nu moon,
Spiritual life
Oppose to this physical,
Once… wasn’t my life
But now it is,
Toast to my ancestors
Who steered me here,
A Rare breed
Is hard to come by,
R Kelly wasn’t lying
When he said, eye believe eye can fly,
Cuz every nite, I’m in the sky,
Transitioning while
Transcending from the physical,
It’s all mental @ the end,
Eye don’t need a paper or a pen,
To give you, from what’s within,
This illusion is tainted
And the pictures that they painted,
Everything isn’t what it’s portrayed to be,
Eye know self first,
Eye know me second,
And my third eye helps me
Raise my vibrations,
Eye am 100% Asiatic,
Took me 33 years
To know eye am the master,
Still getting my teachings,
Still into my readings,
Studying law,
Studying commerce,
Recognizing me nationally,
Charging them with treason,
And eye don’t need a reason
For these frauds,
Your in my court
And eye have the ball,
33 on back
So let’s get it,
Pat Ewing wit it,
Mixed with Kareem
And Bird with the green,
So eye am all money
Like Floyd in the ring,
You can’t box with my spirit,
Eye will haunt you
As if it was yesterdey,
But it’s not, todey is my realm dey,
You call it a birth dey,
Eye call it a visitation with
Earth dey, thankhs for all the wishes,
And eye thankh the creator
& the universe for allowing
Me to see my 33rd earth dey,
happy nu year B.T.Y. it’s ya holy solar dey.
Written By KING B.T.Y. EL✨
Eye wanna thankh everyone,
Especially my ancestors,
My family & Friends✨
(we all family at the end)✨
Queen eye love u✨
Little King eye love u✨
(✨=Positive Energy)
(Handshake =Unity)

November 1, 2018
November 1, 2018
Appreciate u family... we build a solid strong foundation over the years noble.
November 7, 2018
November 9, 2018