The Root Chakra is our foundation, the stable and solid ground all human evolution rests upon. Just as a tree needs its roots to be nourished and stable, so too does the human being need a healthy root chakra to grow and evolve.
The Root Chakra is named Mūlādhāra in sanskrit. The Root Chakra is the first of our energy centers and forms the basis and the starting point for our development. The vital life force energy of Root Chakra begins at conception and continues with life force energy dividing the cells during Embryogenesis. The spinal column begins to develop from the bottom (root chakra) moving to up (crown chakra), and then organs begin to develop.
The root chakra is related to your basic needs – your survival center. This chakra manifests your primal and ancestral instincts, like your flight-or-fight response. As the foundation of the chakra system, the root chakra function is to respond to any issues concerning your survival such as eating, sleeping, exercising, housing, financial security, sense of safety, and stability.
The number four also represents the four physical elements, the four cardinal directions, the four seasons and other such elements that govern the physical dimension.

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