The greatest tree around started from a simple seed. But it couldn’t grow into the incredible, awe inspiring specimen it is today if it didn’t get planted in the dark and be broken open completely. It had to crack apart and completely change for new growth to happen. But the beauty is, all the phenomenal growth and future of the tree was already held tight inside that tiny little seed. It didnt question the process it had to go through to become the tree. It just allowed it to happen. If you find yourself in the dark, if you feel like everything is falling apart and breaking open in your life, do not fear and despair. Just breathe and allow the process to unfold. You are meant for greatness. Things will often tumble away from you in your life and be torn apart to make way for the stufff that is meant to be there. It will reveal the path that will allow you to grow into the unbelievable specimen that you are meant to be. The baby pushes out of a dark womb for new life. The chicken cracks open a egg for new life. The butterfly breaks open a dark cocoon for new life. The seed breaks apart in the dark soil for new life. All of them had to spend a period in the dark changing from what they used to be. Allow your walls to fracture, allow yourself to grow fully. It’s already within you just set it free.

April 12, 2019
Love the inspiration King gonna spread this knowledge 4 sure!
April 23, 2019