All of existence is this song and within this masterpiece of an aria created by the supreme mind every man and woman sustains their own note. This note settles quite nicely into the places where it is harmonious and in the places where harmony is not found for this note the dissonance will either bring the note into harmony with the environment or the environment into harmony with the note, depending on its strength. People refer to this as their vibration; in this analogy the note itself encompasses all things about a person.
Their morality, their focus, their general sentiment and outlook on life, and so on. If a person hangs around an inharmonic environment too often they will end up to become like that place and the people who frequent that place. It will bring you up or bring you down. We often hear conventional wisdom stating that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
This is absolutely true! But, we must realize that a note can have so much power to it, a vibration can have such intensity that it brings its surroundings each harmony with it. Generally it is not an instantaneous event but a long process by which all that is not harmonious with a particular note or vibration is shed, not actually adding anything to the note itself but allowing it to be expressed more clearly.

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