“T.I.M.E. Pt.2”

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This is for you, once again,
Out of all the females I talked too
You’re the coolest one friend,
Even when they call me
I don’t click over the reason
For that, you’re more maturer
And they’re older, when the
Time is right, we’ll be close,
I hope, whether I’m your friend
Or boyfriend, it doesn’t matter
What I am, as long as I help you
Grow, & you can do the same for me,
I hope but like I told you before in
Part 1 it’s no rush, because it’s not at all, everything takes time, I’m trying to rise not fall and I know you are too.
Right now, I feel I want to be there for you like a real friend, as you would know there’s not to many like me and there’s not to many like you, and there’s no doubt, that I’m feeling you right now, I’m just trying not to get to attached to you in due time

Written by BTY 2006


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