
Stimulation Is tempting... But what's stimulating, Is my temple, Able to connect With souls direct, & Able to disconnect With these devils Who wasn't right So I left. Seeing and feeling The vibrations, Is beautiful like traveling During mediation, I erased what I wasn't Suppose to, instead I'm seeking knowledge Like I was suppose to, I felt, I saw, I obtain, I brought it back to you The only reason For that ...


The hate people creates For others is needed, I don't think it's right but What can you do... Hate is needed to inspire People to keep pushing Towards their goals. However your brain thinks, Change it to motivate you. Embrace the hate, love the hate, It's only going to make the road More successful in what your doing In life... Just don't be the ...

“Your Favor”

The hate, The dislike, Can be so real Images of what can seem, Isn't what It seems, Nobody isn't happy Anymore, The hurt, the frustration, Is real when reality sets in, The fact of the matter, Deep inside I'm apart of you, No matter the hate, the dislike, The selfishness, it'll all workout In your favor soon if you'll Let it. Written by BTY

“Open Letter”(2Friday)

Dear Friday, Friday mornings 
I can smell the fresh air, Knowing that the weekend Will be here, knowing she'll Do me right, knowing that I needed her to make it All right, all my worries, Shall come to a end, Only temporarily, 
Til I see Monday again, Oh I love when she cums Again, We only see each other on Friday, but her air, I can smell During the week, Longing for you, Till I see ...


Sitting here, Visualizing The taste of your tongue A cherry flavor From what I remember It hasn't been that long or Has it been... Sitting here, Visualizing The taste of your lips From your gloss & Soft as a petal from a rose, Which I'm lost, Lost in your eyes Lost in your touch Lost in your smile As I blush, all from Sitting here... Visualizing Written by BTY


It started off well Months passed by Engaged, baby on the way, Now marriage, long days Longer nights, both loved, Somethings changed, new moods, New friends, kids in new schools, Bills catching up, no time spend With each other, can't take it, Assumptions being made, now The choice is made, you keep this, You keep that, never tried to work it out but the ...

“Check Me Out”

http://soulreflectionz.com/king-bty-spreads-knowledge/ http://www.graystylewrite.com/2016/05/from-our-kings-queen-by-king-bty.html?m=1   I wanna thank the above sites for allowing me to share my poetry with them, it's really a honor, most of all I appreciate all my readers as well, we are just beginning stay tuned.