“Please Don’t Shoot”

I am a young black man Please don't shoot, I wanna be able To see my child grow, Please don't shoot, I've never been in trouble With the law anyway, Please don't shoot, Fitting the description Which I don't portray, Please don't shoot, Having a badge doesn't Make you any better, We're the same But all different, I am a God, Difference is Your a Christian, I am a leader Not ...

“Take A Risk”

Take a risk Tomorrow isn't near But it's close I've may not be The things you wanted But I was What you needed You should've Taken a risk... Risk are everywhere Risk are taken everyday The people/things that Make you happy You shouldn't have to Throw them away, But if your Adrenaline is Pumping off emotions & Your actions is for the moment, You shouldn't lose hope ...

“Other Side”(Awaits Us)

The other side I'm Deep in this dream Heartaches & Heartburns Now I'm Living in a urn Cremated As I stare Waiting for you To join me On the other side Deep in this dream I see you staring at me Tears in your eyes As I wipe them Telling you don't cry But little do you know I'm right before your eyes On the other side. Written By ...

“Awaits Us”

I was that bean In the stalk Praying to life Knowing I'm God in this life. What's High definition To black and white That make the races, Racist, Which I Created the faces On earth What's upon you What's good without bad What's love without evil What's happiness Without being sad What's anger Without madness This earth... While paradise Awaits us, On the other side. To be ...

“Worst Fear”

Your worst fear Listen hear Now I disappeared Never spent a day With the Feds Your worst fear Mama getting that call Ambulance to the scene Pronounced dead Who am I to judge Last name not dredd But this game so twisted Just look at my hair Your worst fear I give you my all I'm not @ the four seasons But what's upon us They want me to ...

“Should’ve Known”

Should've known better But I let my heart Get in the way What's aces Without some spades Played too many games No arcade Now your done Can't shine From a storm Cold hearted You made warm You made want You made love Should've known better You was going stick by my side Should've known You was going ride Written By KINGBTY