Apologetic Time after time Causes the headache In the state of mind This depression has me Lost in direction Certainly hoping I'll Find it through my blessings. As my time will come Trying to adapt to pain Which now I'm numb Laying here with No feelings Towards this world. Written by kingBty
“Blind In America”
We are blind in America It's more then just hate it's Shootings going on From state to state See a cop Makes me wanna look away, Even though I really wanna stare In their face, Tell them to stand up, To the culprits In there workplace Blind in America It's not the image they seem to portray It's just another day In ...
“Reach Out Now”
Cherish the people You love You never know When it's there time to go, Pick up the phone and call If you can't see them, Send them a text & Tell them you love them, Life is shorter then we all expect, No matter what has happened in the past, Let the grudges go, We are all human We all make mistakes I hope this ...
“On Mars”
You got me on Mars Sit back Relax I can make you see stars Far But I'm so close Stomach Got butterflies Raise your glass Let me make this toast I vow If I'll ever leave, It'll be a ghost Right besides you Haunting you Seducing you Making love to you, Right on your spine As you touch Your body while Looking at the moon, Fingers penetrating Spots, as i'm next to you, You got me on Mars Sit ...
“Upon I”
Beauty is upon I My third eye Is going crazy Fire in my soul Love I'm craving Lipstick traces Trapped Figuring out this life Is a maze But it's amazing The scenery Is full of fruit As I taste it Beauty is upon I Rising and setting She's sun glazing & I was patient While knowing Beauty is upon I. Written By B.T.Y.
“Miss 4th”
I couldn't wait for the Sun to set I just knew her love will be lit I just knew I had to wait If I missed out on this I'd had to wait till next year, The sound she makes You can't cover your ears, The faces she makes, You can't help but stare All in her eyes, It's fireworks As she light up my sky I can't wait ...
“Dr. Phil (Pt.1)”
Im your medicine Take a dose of me Twice daily Inhale my poetry Exhale experiences That was once Stored in me Relate to me Not by being blood Relate to me By showing me love Im your medicine That was prescribed None other then by me Dr Phil B.T.Y. I'll be your doctor Let me know What brings you by today? Written By KingPhil B.T.Y.
“On Top”
As a young kid All I ever wanted, Was to be on top Then I was told I had to go out & go get It, If I wanted it... Learned that as a youngin, Tried to surround myself With people who did that Notice I said tried, Because to try, is to fail, So I failed at that, & those I place myself around after that Went ...
“My Star”
Every Time I leave I don't wanna leave, Every Time you leave I don't want you to leave, I miss you immediately, This feeling I feel Isn't a fairy tale This love we share is real, And we've both had our share Of what we thought was real & This bond that we built, Shall never be broken As if its your heart & My love is a ...