The principles of Mentalism and Vibration teaches us that our minds create our reality and therefore impact our vibration/frequency. This has become more increasingly obvious as recent world events have dramatically shifted people’s mindsets and perception of reality, leaving many with drastically contrasting views.
Have you noticed any changes within your relationships, whether partner, family, friends, etc and how you now relate to each other? What impact has it had? Comment Below👇🏽☪️

July 20, 2021
No impact in my relationship but definitely more of an impact in society,and its pretty sad,it's bad enough whitey HATES us,but we always knew that,but what's even more DISTURBING is soooooooo many of our OWN people HATE us,to the extent of killing one another on a regular basis without a care in the world,now that is one thing I'll never,ever understand,smmfh...Like I always said,WE ARE WITHOUT A DOUBT THE MOST BACKWARDS RACE ON THE PLANET,this isn't just my opinion,it's just FACTS...
July 20, 2021
I concur, thank you for the comment as well my good brother✨