Walk away from anything that is hindering Your Growth Mentally or Spiritually. Sometimes this is easier said than done but in a World where Survival is the name of the Game, You Must Not Allow Anyone, or Anybody to hold You back from Becoming that Greater You. Allow NO ONE OR THING to Steal Your shine or Thief Your POWER. It may be Your Mother, Your Spouse, Your Children, Your Friend, or Family member. If they aren’t helping You toward the Achievement of Positive Growth, You must play them from a Distance. We are All Energy, and not All Energy is meant to mix. And yes, that can also apply to Your children that have become of age or an Adult. You are only obligated to the Energy/Source that Dwells within you and negative Energy can suck up Your Positive Energy/Life force and leave You on empty and dry. Sometimes My Love, You have to Walk Away From Love,
Rise, and Allow No One, No Thing, No Circumstance, or Situation, to keep You from Your Greatness!
March 20, 2019
Nothing but the ABSOLUTE TRUTH...