“What We Need”

Millions of people drowning in displeasure, wishing perfect body, perfect home, perfect partner, perfect job, perfect intimate life. Because mass media tells us that these are reasons for happiness. But they didn’t. What our soul needs is a deeper bond and peace, freedom of fear and anxiety, relationships filled with love, creativity, work that makes sense and fulfilling, intimate relationship with nature, and spiritual connection with life, humanity and space. To be happy as a species we must ourselves, each for ourselves, find a way to turn away from what we want and go after what we need.

  • Jermain
    January 7, 2019

    Definitely dope I’m here right now just thinking about from this point on how I Chest ties-my child and for now it always gonna to be about uplifting not criticizing him not downsizing him as a human being on her as a human being , but love each other unconditionally shalom

    • KING B.T.Y. EL
      January 13, 2019

      Appreciate the feedback noble and yes very true, we must uplift fallen humanity by starting with self to help uplift others✨ much love moor

  • Brandon Burgess
    January 7, 2019

    Yes our wants are fleeting, but we tend to find out that our needs are what truly sustains us through out our lives

    • KING B.T.Y. EL
      January 13, 2019

      Appreciate the feedback and yes noble very true.

  • Derek B Greene
    January 7, 2019

    Yeah my man so very true....


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