Remember that you are energy and that you can transform energy. The energy you absorb can always be consciously purified and transformed into love. When the surroundings and the world feels dark, it is there to teach you about your own superpower and to help you to learn how to create even more light by understanding that you are light. To places and situations that feel unfair and dark, shed light.
To that which needs healing and peace, send your light. Just visualize that you have a core of light in your body and imagine this light just growing and growing, outside of your body and around your body. Out to the room and building and out to the whole planet. Imagine that this light purifies and detoxes, sheds light and healing to all that needs it. That is the art of transforming darkness into light. No matter how big and dark the place is, no amount of darkness can dim the light. The light will always shine through any darkness!
🥳⭐️Happy Birthday Brent🥳🇲🇦

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