COMMAND YOUR ENERGIES In order for energy to respond, there must be a command on your part. Belief in oneself comes from knowing oneself. You cannot rely on the diversity of other people’s opinion about you. Look at your own opinion about you. Then, get to know yourself better How can energies reflect anything other than our own vibration? And isn’t it unacceptable for the Master in you to create ‘by default’? Of course it is unacceptable! Deep down, you know this is natural for you to create consciously. This is at the core of the question: Self Trust How can we expect energies to respond to a half-hearted, victimism-tainted miniwish? Not even our pets respond to that! Energy, health, resources, love, you name it: you call it, you give it to yourself. Practice with your personal energy first. As above so below, as within so without. You don’t need to act on the outer energy, but on your own consciousness. As you focus on Being the All, you will find that the All is You. And that is an entirely new game. Remember your own Magnificence….remember…. – Marco Antonio Gómez
Happy Birthday 2My Brother From Another!

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